With ten years of experience in Branding and Applied Design, Robin built the VIM Group Design Studio to where it is today, bringing Brand Experience to life with 2D and 3D renders for every brand touchpoint you can imagine - offline and online.
Robin is a good listener with an innate ability to understand client needs. He can transform design concepts to Brand Experience touchpoints. With his fascination for clean and purposeful design he brought successful sign families and fleet rebrands to life for a multitude of international clients.
Next to his Art Direction role within 2D and 3D designs, Robin oversees the Design Studio and ensures the quality of the department's creative output. Always keeping the growth of our business in mind, Robin makes sure to keep expanding our network of creative thinkers and designers.
Robin has worked for some of VIM Group's biggest clients, including Merck, Hitachi, Siemens, Vebego, Rabobank, and Geldmaat.
In his spare time, Robin runs his own design agency, helping various entrepreneurs acquire a mature and distinctive corporate identity.