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Bereit für eine Veränderung?

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VIM Group bringt weltweit führende Marken bei der Analyse, Organisation und Umsetzung von Markenveränderungen.

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Bereit für eine Veränderung?

Lass uns reden

VIM Group bringt weltweit führende Marken bei der Analyse, Organisation und Umsetzung von Markenveränderungen.

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Reach out or visit us at one of our locations.

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Bereit für eine Veränderung?

Lass uns reden

VIM Group bringt weltweit führende Marken bei der Analyse, Organisation und Umsetzung von Markenveränderungen.

Mit dem Absenden dieses Formulars stimme ich der Datenschutzerklärung zu.

Prefer to speak in person?

Reach out or visit us at one of our locations.

Über uns



Rebranding in digital spaces – what are the implications?

It will totally change the branding climate

Marc Cloosterman

Senior Advisor Team Farner

Often, when I get called into a boardroom, members typically want to know about branding and rebranding implications. The questions vary from the value, opportunities and risks associated with brand management, right through to the costs, savings and how to tackle the process – in a progressively changing digital landscape.


Recently, I helped a leading global travel brand to prepare the business case for a name change of a local brand – very well known in its market, with a turnover of €800 million and an interesting challenge, as over 50% of their revenue is generated online.

For online businesses in particular, the potential impact of a name change is much greater than for a primarily offline driven business. Per definition, sales are directly affected by any name change, as the organisation changes its URL and has to create a substantial SEO/SEA strategy to mitigate potential negative effects. This is especially relevant in the travel business, with so many lateral and direct online competitors. Subsequently, loyalty and lock-in are relatively low, so you have to re-attract and re-engage customers every time.

In contrast to name changes in a more offline environment, it’s not only awareness that has to be created, but, in addition, sales will also be directly impacted…. Why am I sharing this? Because the rise of digitally driven businesses will totally change the branding climate. For brand owners it means rapidly stepping up their game to remain relevant and agile in order to protect revenue streams and brand equity, whilst competitors encroach on their, once secure, space. Whether it’s sales, digital or marketing, it’ll be interesting to see over the next years, how the role of brand owners in organisations will evolve.

Free insights

What are the costs of a brand change?

Answer a few simple questions and one of our brand experts will contact you to explain our preliminary cost indication, based on best practices and benchmark data from relevant organisations.

Free insights

What are the costs of a brand change?

Answer a few simple questions and one of our brand experts will contact you to explain our preliminary cost indication, based on best practices and benchmark data from relevant organisations.

Free insights

What are the costs of a brand change?

Answer a few simple questions and one of our brand experts will contact you to explain our preliminary cost indication, based on best practices and benchmark data from relevant organisations.