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Our brand experts assist world-leading brands in analyzing, organizing, and implementing brand change.

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Ready to make a change?

Let's talk

Our brand experts assist world-leading brands in analyzing, organizing, and implementing brand change.

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Ready to make a change?

Let's talk

Our brand experts assist world-leading brands in analyzing, organizing, and implementing brand change.

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Roll out and implementation of Reniwi's new brand without interruption of the primary process
Roll out and implementation of Reniwi's new brand without interruption of the primary process
three rebranded rubbish trucks
three rebranded rubbish trucks

Supporting Renewi in the roll out and implementation of its new brand.

Renewi's challenge

With more than 200 locations, 2,500 vehicles, 8,000 employees and 300,000 vehicle containers, Renewi is one of the largest players in waste processing. Renewi is the result of a merger between Shanks and Van Gansewinkel and, as a ‘waste-to-product’ company, believes in a second life for waste using recycling and recovery processes. (For example, Renewi flags are made from recycled PET bottles and the new containers consist of recycled plastic.)

applied roof science of Renewi

Since February 2017, Renewi has been rolling out its new name and identity across its various brand carriers (locations, vehicles, work clothing and containers). Renewi sought support for the technical and organisational side of its rebrand and asked VIM Group to help advise and roll out the programme.

Our solution

The main challenge for Renewi was to carry out the rebrand without interrupting the constant need for its vehicles to be on the road. The improving economy has meant that the need for waste collection has increased, so it was not feasibile for vehicles to be taken out of the fleet for rebranding. VIM Group executed a ‘hands-on’ approach, converting the many carriers over to the new brand while making sure the process was being done efficiently and without impacting operational hours.

rebranded Renewi truck

In addition, VIM Group provided continuous insight into the progress of the project. Every week a well-organised report was produced and presented to the management team. VIM Group were on hand to convert the brand guidelines into practical application methods and to select suitable suppliers for each of the brand touch points.

As well as our supporting role within the rebrand, we had a leading role in the development of the Renewi signage. The newly designed ‘house style’ was translated into technical solutions that match the chosen brand image, giving its facilities brand new signage and wayfinding.

Passport photo of Marco Kalverda, Integration Director of the Netherlands Division of Renewi
Passport photo of Marco Kalverda, Integration Director of the Netherlands Division of Renewi
Passport photo of Marco Kalverda, Integration Director of the Netherlands Division of Renewi

"The pragmatic approach of VIM Group fits well with our corporate culture. The specialists know the practical details of non-everyday brand carriers, such as stickers for steel waste containers or metre-high illuminated letters on our buildings. This ensures clarity, speed and quality in the implementation of the project. "

"The pragmatic approach of VIM Group fits well with our corporate culture. The specialists know the practical details of non-everyday brand carriers, such as stickers for steel waste containers or metre-high illuminated letters on our buildings. This ensures clarity, speed and quality in the implementation of the project. "

"The pragmatic approach of VIM Group fits well with our corporate culture. The specialists know the practical details of non-everyday brand carriers, such as stickers for steel waste containers or metre-high illuminated letters on our buildings. This ensures clarity, speed and quality in the implementation of the project. "

Marco Kalverda, Integration Director of the Netherlands Division

The results

The organisational and technical support of VIM Group enabled Renewi to focus on their primary business. In the supporting role, VIM Group was able to share substantive knowledge and keep the rebrand process moving forward.

The weekly reporting enabled the management team to quickly identify bottlenecks in the process and to take action. This kept the project moving at pace and important stakeholders engaged. The knowledge and experience of VIM Group has ensured that savings have been made on various purchased materials and services.

The rebranding of more than 200 locations, 2,500 trucks and hundreds of thousands of containers within Renewi is a complex and lengthy process. We did not have the specialist knowledge, experience and the network that is needed for this. With the support of VIM Group, we have been able to organise the rebrand project efficiently and at lower costs.

rebranded rubbish truck of Renewi






and many more containers

Free guide

7 steps to a successful rebrand

A practical step-by-step plan for brand, marketing and communication managers.

Free guide

7 steps to a successful rebrand

A practical step-by-step plan for brand, marketing and communication managers.

Free guide

7 steps to a successful rebrand

A practical step-by-step plan for brand, marketing and communication managers.