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Ready to make a change?

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Our brand experts assist world-leading brands in analyzing, organizing, and implementing brand change.

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Ready to make a change?

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Our brand experts assist world-leading brands in analyzing, organizing, and implementing brand change.

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Renaming and rebranding Nuon to Vattenfall, both online and offline
Renaming and rebranding Nuon to Vattenfall, both online and offline
Campaign image of Vattenfall's fossil free within one generation
Campaign image of Vattenfall's fossil free within one generation

VIM Group was involved in rebranding Nuon to Vattenfall: from advice on brand strategy to translation and implementation of the visual brand style, both online and offline.

Nuon's challenge

For some time, energy provider Nuon has has been serving its 2 million + customers under the same name as its Swedish parent company, Vattenfall. As a leading player in energy transition in North-West Europe, Vattenfall has been investing heavily in various initiatives in the field of sustainability. It became increasingly difficult for Nuon to communicate this message to the Dutch market, so a rebrand of Nuon was thought to present an opportunity to spread its message, while creating a new image. In addition, running a single European brand based on a ‘single brand strategy’ was seen to offer long-term benefits for cooperation, brand management and increasing brand value.

Rebranded Volkswagon Golf E of Vattenfall

Rebranding from a well-known Dutch name also brought various challenges. With a brand awareness of 97%, Nuon was one of the largest and best-known energy suppliers in the Netherlands. One of the biggest risks was that Nuon would lose existing customers and the commercial value that the Nuon brand had built up in Google, which would impact online sales.

Our solution

When the decision for the rebrand was made, there were many considerations: How do you tackle such a huge project, how will the conversation happen?; which strategy is best to pursue?; how do we strongly communicate the new purpose? To minimise both the commercial and organisational impact of the rebrand, good strategic planning and careful implementation were essential. Nuon approached VIM Group for advice on this strategy, and to support in both the planning and roll-out of the entire programme.

scenic aerial photo of Vattenfall windmills at sea

To minimise loss of commercial value, a ‘dual-branding phase’ was selected: in all customer communications, the brand name ‘Nuon Vattenfall’ was temporarily used and small pieces of the new, sustainable message were introduced to allow customers to slowly get used tot he new name and strategy. VIM Group were involved in the activation campaign of the new brand. Meanwhile, Vattenfall’s brand awareness was monitored and the risks of the rebrand were mapped to determine the right moment for the complete transition to the ‘Vattenfall’ brand name and matching brand story.

At each stage, VIM Group assisted Vattenfall with the organisation, planning, translation and implementation of the new visual identity, becoming an essential part of the (project) organisation during the rebranding process.

Passport photo of Guido Stein, (former) Director Customer Strategy & Brand
Passport photo of Guido Stein, (former) Director Customer Strategy & Brand
Passport photo of Guido Stein, (former) Director Customer Strategy & Brand

"If you think that the team is able to do a rebrand ‘on the side’, you are wrong. There is so much involved in converting all online and offline brand carriers and that has a huge impact on your resources. A rebrand really deserves the highest priority within your organisation and you need extra capacity for that."

"If you think that the team is able to do a rebrand ‘on the side’, you are wrong. There is so much involved in converting all online and offline brand carriers and that has a huge impact on your resources. A rebrand really deserves the highest priority within your organisation and you need extra capacity for that."

"If you think that the team is able to do a rebrand ‘on the side’, you are wrong. There is so much involved in converting all online and offline brand carriers and that has a huge impact on your resources. A rebrand really deserves the highest priority within your organisation and you need extra capacity for that."

Guido Stein, (former) Director Customer Strategy & Brand


VIM Group has further developed Vattenfall’s visual identity and expanded it for application across all online- and offline brand carriers. More than 100 vehicles, 2,000 loading bays and 40 offices, production locations, heat objects and wind farms were equipped with the new iconic Vattenfall design. All communication to (potential) customers was included in the rebranding, which brought more coherence to the brand application.

Vattenfall has now fully switched over to its new brand successfully. Vattenfall’s brand awareness in the Dutch market is higher than expected and the rebrand process went smoothly. The next step is the activation of brand management processes within Vattenfall. In addition, we are working together to optimise the visibility of the Vattenfall brand in places where fossil-free energy is generated.

"A rebrand is an excellent opportunity to take another critical look at your brand management and other processes, where can you possibly do things smarter and how can you save costs. You need specialist knowledge to do that. That is why I am extremely pleased that we utilised the help of VIM Group."

Curious about the strategy behind Nuon’s rebranding to Vattenfall, the do’s and don’ts of a complex rebranding process and the plans for the Vattenfall brand in the future? Read the interview with Guido Stein, Director Customer Strategy & Brand.




loading bays


offices and facilities

Free guide

7 steps to a successful rebrand

A practical step-by-step plan for brand, marketing and communication managers.

Free guide

7 steps to a successful rebrand

A practical step-by-step plan for brand, marketing and communication managers.

Free guide

7 steps to a successful rebrand

A practical step-by-step plan for brand, marketing and communication managers.